AKA D-Face. Used to be semi-active in the Madness Combat fandom between 2007 and 2010, mostly making short nonsensical animations and compiling sprite sheets. Was inactive for 10-ish years and only returned in 2023 to take part in various music projects.

D Face @d00dfayz

Age 29, Male


Joined on 1/9/07

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Wanted to wait until after the MD24 winners got announced before deciding to post my future plans, so first off, congrats to all the winners! Last year I was surprised enough to walk away with both a front page and a #5 winner slot. No such luck this year on either front, but that will not discourage me one bit. Considering my plans, you can safely expect me to take part in Madness Day for at least the next 3 years. I can't just release a "Vol. 1" and never make a "Vol. 2", that simply will not work. Even though the Madness fandom is no stranger to cancelled or heavily delayed sequels.

But I will have to be realistic with the amount of songs I will be able to produce in a year while juggling the other music projects that I keep getting myself into. 1 track a year is fine, but 2 or 3 is better. 4 or 5 is excellent, but I think that's gonna be my limit going forward unless by some ridicilous circumstance I'm able to have up to 9 tracks finished like I did last year.

So without further ado, my plans for Vol. 2 is simply to continue on a roughly chronological order of remixing Madness soundtracks, which from this point on will be heavier on the cheshyre remixes. I want to highlight the stylistic shift that occurs at this point in the series too, by doing a little stylistic shift of my own. Still gonna be footwork, bass and breakbeats but with a harder and more industrial-tinged sound, closer to something that can resemble Cheshcore with my own twist to it.

The mainline soundtracks I'm aiming to remix will include MC5-8 but no ".5"s. But a large part of it will also be remixes of non-mainline cheshyre tracks that mostly ended up in early fan animations. To give you an idea, the tracklist might look something like this:

  1. Intro (unnamed as of yet, mainly sampling the "Alternate Intro" for MC5, might also incorporate bits of the I.V. intro theme) - style: glitch hop, trip hop, dark ambient ish
  2. AntiHero - style: heavy footwork jungle, strictly no nazi samples (crowd noise samples will be sourced from a football match or something)
  3. Insane - style: mostly halftime footwork
  4. Laying Waste (MC5 main theme) - style: footcore, breakcore
  5. CSOD - style: industrial juke gabber breakcore
  6. Darksong2 - style: UK bass halftime footwork jungle
  7. MADNEWAT - style: more on the downlow
  8. API Madness - style: jungle, breakcore
  9. TrainMadness - style: schranz, acidcore, hardcore breaks
  10. MC7 main theme - style: footwork jungle with halftime sections
  11. MC8 main theme - style: a dark beat with a twist
  12. Unnamed original finale track - style: TBD, but might end in something dark ambienty

A few more notes. The genre/style notes are my current ideas which are subject to change, even drastically, when I get around to producing the remixes. I'm also gonna be open for collaborations on some of these tracks, which might also change up the style drastically depending on how it goes. If you're interested, DM me and let me know which track you wanna try and do something with.

Finally, I'm gonna need some album art for this one as well. And once again, I'm putting out an open commision for it (although I will just end up making it myself with sprite sheets and GIMP like last year if there are no takers). The scene I want for the cover is a wider shot of a scene from MC5, when Hank is looking out from a cliff towards the red "sun" in between fighting Jesus and his zombies. But instead of Hank, it's the boombox guy.


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