Ok, here's the deal.
First of all, i want you to stop using other peoples icons. To make an icon in flash, press the button on the properties window that says 550x400. Here you can change stuff. Change 550 px to 46 px and 400 to the same. Then put a madness character on the stage, doesn't matter if his body parts are going outside the stage. Then go File<Export<Export Image and check "Full Dcoument Size" instead of "Minimum Image Area". Name it what you want and click Export. Make sure you save it as a .jpg or .gif file. Second, animation is too slow, double click that number on the timeline that says 12 fps and change the framerate to 25 fps, as you inprove animation you can use 33 fps. There are some madness tutorials out there, such as S3ig's and YK-Blaze's. And last, DON'T CALL ME MEAN AGAIN, IF YOU CAN'T TAKE CRITISM THEN YOU SHOULD QUIT FLASH!!!